Linux is a well-known OS, that's commonly used for web servers, because it provides a variety of advantages over other Operating Systems. It is regarded as being the most solid Operating system these days and owing to the way it functions, corrupted files shall simply not work. Since Linux is free to use, no license fees shall be calculated in the price that you will have to pay for your web hosting service. This, subsequently, makes it possible for the provider to personalize the Operating system depending on what they and their customers require, taking away unwanted packages to boost the OS and the server’s performance. Linux servers normally come with the Apache server software, which processes site access requests. Apache is additionally 100 % free and easy to customize, not to mention that it's incredibly fast and light with regard to the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which many of the most famous script applications require – Joomla, WordPress, Moodle, etc. The LAMP configuration is the most commonly used one across the world, due to the fact that it's stable and simple to maintain.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Hosting

All the servers which are an element of our progressive cloud web hosting platform run Linux in order to ensure their fast and stable functioning, which will consequently lead to far better overall website performance. This is valid for each and every site that you host in a cloud hosting account with our company. Each and every part of the website hosting service (email messages, databases, files) shall be addressed by its own group of servers, so just one type of processes shall run on a given server, which will contribute to the amazing loading speed of your sites even more. You can use HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl and any other web development language for your websites, due to the fact that they all can run on a Linux hosting server. Additionally we use the Apache web server, considering that our experience through the years has shown that it is probably the ideal piece of software of its kind.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated server accounts that we offer you are created on a revolutionary platform in which the files, the databases, the statistics, the Control Panel, and so forth., are managed by individual groups of servers. The use of this custom made structure is possible for the reason that we have installed a highly individualized Linux distribution on the servers and we can take advantage of all the pros which the Operating System offers, for example the possibility to integrate in-house built software solutions such as our Hepsia Control Panel. The end result is an exceptionally powerful and reliable hosting service which will guarantee high-end functionality for your sites. For even better efficiency, we have decided to use Apache, because it supports plenty of modules and it could be changed in line with our needs also. You will be able to use any popular scripting language with our custom hardware and software setup, and enjoy a swift, uninterrupted hosting service.